If you have any problems at home after surgery, please do not hesitate to call our office. We will be glad to answer any questions. Instructions for wound care will be given to you at the end of your day.


Will I have pain after surgery? 

The surgical site may be sore for several days after surgery. If there is any discomfort, acetaminophen (Tylenol) is usually adequate for relief. Avoid taking aspirin or ibuprofen-containing medications as they may cause bleeding.


Will I have bruising after surgery? 

Bruising and swelling are common after surgery and may last for several days. This may not peak until 48 hours after surgery. We do not recommend planning your surgery date around an engagement where your physical appearance is important.


Will my activity be limited after surgery? 

Activities, including exercise or heavy lifting, will be restricted for at least 2 weeks. If your work requires significant physical exertion, you may consider taking a few days off following the surgery. Avoid any long trips within the first few days following surgery in the rare event you develop any complications. The more activity you participate in after surgery, the more likely you will experience complications such as bleeding or a less cosmetically appealing scar.


Will the surgery leave a scar? 

All forms of surgery result in a permanent visible scar. Scarring is minimized because the Mohs technique removes as little tissue as possible. The size of the scar depends on the size of the tumor and is often difficult to predict prior to surgery. Anticipate many stitches that extend outside the area where the cancer is located in order to have a superior final cosmetic outcome.


Will I need to come back? 

Follow-up visits largely depend on the type of repair or sutures used to close your surgical wound. Periodic visits to your referring physician at least once a year are advisable to monitor for new skin cancers or signs of recurrence from previous procedures. Statistics show that a patient with skin cancer has a higher chance of developing another one, so follow-up skin exams are very important.


How can I protect myself from developing more skin cancers? 

Sun protection is extremely important to minimize further damage to your skin and the risk for development of additional skin cancers. Here are some general recommendations:

1) Regularly and liberally apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen (SPF 30 or greater with UVA and UVB coverage) on a daily basis. Reapply every 2 hours during prolonged sun exposure, more frequently if you’re sweating or in water.

2) Cover up with protective clothing, wide-brimmed hats, beach umbrellas, etc., even on a cloudy day.

3) Avoid the sun at its most intense hours from 10am to 4pm if possible.